Home Modifications

Home modifications refer to changes made to a home environment to make it safer and more accessible for individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations. Occupational therapy (OT) can play a critical role in helping individuals identify necessary modifications and implement them to support their independence and quality of life.

How Occupational Therapy Can Help with Home Modifications:

Occupational therapists can work with individuals to identify home modifications that can improve their ability to perform daily activities safely and effectively. This includes:

  1. Assessment: An occupational therapist can perform a comprehensive assessment of an individual's home and identify potential barriers to independence and safety. This can include evaluating the individual's physical abilities and needs, as well as the layout and design of the home.

  2. Recommendations: Based on the assessment, an occupational therapist can make recommendations for modifications that can improve safety and accessibility. This can include modifications to the home entrances, bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, such as; adding wheelchair accessible countertop heights, installing motion-activated faucets, adding grab bars, installing stepless showers, installing powered shower commodes, adding wheelchair ramps, stair lifts, and shower chairs.

  3. Training: An occupational therapist can provide training on how to use new equipment or navigate modified areas of the home safely. This can include teaching individuals how to transfer in and out of a wheelchair or how to use adaptive devices such as a reacher.

  4. Customization: Occupational therapists can work with individuals to customize modifications to meet their specific needs and preferences. For example, an occupational therapist can help design a customized kitchen layout that is accessible and meets the individual's unique needs.

Benefits of Home Modifications: Home modifications can provide numerous benefits for individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations, including:

  1. Improved Safety: Home modifications can reduce the risk of falls, injuries, and accidents, which can improve overall safety and well-being.

  2. Increased Independence: Home modifications can improve an individual's ability to perform daily activities independently, which can increase their overall sense of control and quality of life.

  3. Enhanced Comfort: Home modifications can also improve overall comfort and quality of life, by making it easier to perform activities without discomfort or pain.

Conclusion: Home modifications can play a critical role in supporting the independence and quality of life of individuals with disabilities or mobility limitations. Occupational therapy can help individuals identify necessary modifications and implement them to improve safety and accessibility.

If you or a loved one is living with a disability or mobility limitation the Best Home Therapy Occupational Therapy team can visit you in the home or can complete appointments at our clinic at 72 Maribyrnong st Footscray to assist you in achieving any of your goals.


Occupational Therapy and Assistive technology


Occupational Therapy Autism